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About Us


Who Us ?

Bubble Stores is an Egyptian company that strives to serve the community by providing the highest quality cleaning products at the most affordable prices. We also prioritize environmental conservation by reducing the use of plastic packaging, which harms the environment. We achieve this through our refill and replacement service. Babel is not just a cleaning product company, but also contributes to environmental preservation by offering refill services for empty consumer cleaning product containers, or by refilling them with our available refill units in our branches. Additionally, there is a problem of high monthly expenditure on cleaning products in every household, which has become a burden. Refilling empty containers and replacing them not only reduces environmental harm but also effectively saves on every household's cleaning product budget. For every empty container that is replaced, a 10% discount is offered on any product from Babel's products. Refilling empty containers is done according to the category with a discount of up to 30% off the original product price. With this, Babel has contributed to solving multiple issues in society, including monthly budget savings for households and minimizing the harm of plastic in the environment.